Moving into Your 3rd Act
“We have this extra 20- or 30-year bonus”
For so long, people have been focused on what others need. So in the second act, it’s very little about what you’re choosing to do. You’re usually working for somebody it’s doing what they want you to do.
Of course, you signed up for it, but it’s their vision. It’s their structure. It’s their timeline.
If you have a family, you’re focused on taking care of those children and helping them to become productive, happy, successful adults. So, it’s not really your time or your structure. It is your choice, but not really.
In The 3rd Act, there’s a shift. A lot of times people don’t know what to do. They don’t know really what makes them happy. And they kind of thrash around and think, well, maybe it’s buying a fast car.
Maybe it’s traveling on a cruise. And they’re not sure. It’s a new perspective. It’s a new stage of life.
It’s the first time on planet that so many people have been alive for this length of time that has allowed them to move into this stage of life. Up until 100, 150 years ago, we just didn’t live this long.
Now because we have health (pretty much) and wealth (pretty much) we have this extra 20- or 30-year bonus.
Finding Your Retirement Identity
If someone is retired, they no longer have that job that gives them an identity or a title or a function.
They feel kind of at sea because they just don’t know what to do. And they don’t know who they are if they don’t have a job.
And so that’s a big issue for people often: What is my identity?
And the other thing is we don’t have many role models for good retirement. Our parents or grandparents maybe retired, and they stayed home and watched TV, or they played with the grandkids, or maybe they traveled a little bit, but they usually didn’t live 20 or 30 years.
There was a reason why retirement started at 65. It was because the German government that realized that people really wouldn’t be living much more past 65. So, they could offer a kind of social security benefit to folks at 65.
That means people don’t have a good idea of what retirement is in the 21st century. They really don’t.
Designing a Retirement Lifestyle Plan
“Human beings really need a sense of meaning and purpose.”
With The 3rd Act, we focus on Martin Seligman’s latest research, which gives five keys to happiness. When we help folks design their retirement lifestyle plan, we include all the aspects of what Martin Seligman recommends, and those are active engagement, positive emotions, positive relationships, meaning and purpose, and a sense of accomplishment.
So human beings really need a sense of meaning and purpose. And if their meaning and purpose has been focused on their nine to five job or raising children and that they don’t have the job anymore and the children are launched, then what gives their life meaning and purpose?
I help folks explore what gives you meaning and purpose now in your life. And I do that through a series of exercises and questions.
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