Hi everyone! Well, here we are right at the end of the dog days of summer. We start to begin to gear up for fall at this time. I thought you’d like to know some of the book resources that I recommend to my 3rd Act community. If you are looking for another book to read to wind up your summer, I have three to offer to you that are great if you’re thinking about your third act.
The first one is a wonderful book by Angeles Arrien – “The Second Half of Life”.
She was a fantastic anthropologist and teacher here in California and was a wonderful friend and mentor to me. Her book called, “The Second Half of Life” is one I’d highly recommend to you. It will really spark your imagination for what might be possible for you in your third act.
After that, there is a great classic book written by William Bridges – “Transitions”.
Some of you may know this book. It’s an old one but a good one and it’s called, “Transitions.” In this book, Mr. Bridges helps you understand and gets you a systemized way of working through any kind of transitional phase in your life. The transition from your second act to your third act is a significant one. So if you don’t have this one on your bookshelf, go ahead and get it used at your bookstore, or download it on Audible, it’s a great one.
Finally, Viktor Frankyl’s book, “Man’s Search for Meaning.”
“Man’s Search for Meaning” is a book that I have found incredibly validating and supportive from my work. One of the points that he makes in this book is that we all have choice about the decisions that we make in our lives. In the third act, you are given a great deal of opportunity to use choice for what’s important to you now in your life, and what’s calling for you to do now.
So those are three books that I offer to you for these last few weeks of summer. If I can be of any help, please go ahead and sign up for a discovery call. I’d love to hear from you and if there’s any way I can help I’d love to do that. So please click here and sign up for a free discovery call. Thanks so much and have a great rest of your summer.