I am happy to introduce you to Carolyn Rendu. I met her and her husband on my 70’s Road Trip to Oregon. We were all staying at the Sylvia Beach…
The Art of Ripening: Discovering Youthfulness at 70 and Beyond How is it possible that I have turned 70! It’s been two months now and I still haven’t settled in…
Retirement in Mexico I often say to my Mexican friends that in my other life I was a Mexicana. Everything here for me feels familiar-like I’ve had lifetimes here. I…
Retirement Planning Workshop for Federal Reserve Board Employees When one of the participants in our 3rd Act workshop had to leave to take a call from the White House, we…
Every Life (person) You Have Touched is Your Legacy. I found myself in conversation with a friend discussing the second edition of a professional book released last year. I commented…
These lines where urging me to take a new approach to putting my work out in the world Recently I spent 10 days at Bishop’s Ranch an Episcopal retreat center…
When I was young, I believed there was a simple formula for life that went something like this: Higher Education + Many Years of Hard Work in One Job (+Wife,…
Solutions for Sleeping Problems I was up most of the night again last night. Sleeping has been a real challenge for me over the last year or so, and I…
Small Town Living a Unique Way of Life Those of you who have been following my 3rd Act relocation saga know that I have moved to a small town (population…
The 3rd Act welcomes Ellie Klevins, writing our guest blog: We looked for a house for 20 years. Although we owned a fine home in a good neighborhood, it wasn’t…