Healthy Living

“Creativity in Your 3rd Act” by Patricia Cavanaugh

By February 8, 2010 May 23rd, 2023 No Comments

Inspiring Artistic Journeys

I went to a presentation of two new musical works by Ben Bernstein and Shira Kammen sponsored by the Singer’s Gym of Berkeley last week.  I was so impressed by the wildly different offerings and the age of the two creators, both baby boomers.  It brought to mind how creativity is clearly not just for the young but continues to be available to those in the mature years if the focus is there.  For example, there is a wonderful persimmon tree were women 65 and over can submit stories and art for the on line magazine another area of inspiration for me.

If it is true, and I believe it is, according to K. Anders Ericcson’s theory of expertise, it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice before you can become an expert.  We can use our 30 year after 60 bonus to chalk up 10,000 creative hours of fun and challenge.

How are you being creative in your life now?  Was there something you needed to set aside during your second act and are playing with the idea of re engagement?  For me it is the harp.  There is a traveling harp leaning against my bookcase with a broken string calling to me from years gone by.  After seeing Peter Maund on Friday night playing the bodhran (celtic drum), I think I might just start up my own percussion pursuit.

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