Want to see what can happen for you at a 3rd Act Retreat?
Join us in Italy this September and find out!
You can open a new door, even if it’s just a little crack.
Or face down an unexpected challenge.
Or attain a small goal, or do something HUGE!
Bring a friend and receive a $200 tuition discount! Details here.
Diana participated in our Bishop’s Ranch retreat several years ago and left with several clear cut goals and next steps. One of them was to do stand-up comedy. So you can imagine how excited we were when we received an email from Diana with a 40 minute YouTube video. She knocked it out of the park, as you can see in her YouTube video – check it out for yourself!
We will be posting our interview with her – and and sharing how she did it using 3rd Act tools – in an upcoming blog post.
Join us in Italy and put your dreams in motion. Give yourself the time to reflect and acknowledge yourself with other like-minded people engaging in our step by step 3rd Act Life Planning process while you enjoy Tuscany and all it has to offer. Registration deadline is January 31st – don’t miss out!
For more information, or to register, click here.