Gratitude: A Path to Happiness
I have been feeling a bit sad the last few days because my daughter and three granddaughters have left for their home in France after a month’s visit with me. I am both sad they have left and grateful that they were able to make the trip. I am truly a lucky grandmother.
After their departure, I found myself reviewing my life as I do after significant events or as the seasons begin to change.
We here in the Bay Area have not had much of a summer. While the rest of the country has been sweltering we have had a strangely cool season.
But the nights are growing shorter and the light is changing. The great August harvest moon is waning and I find myself reflecting on who I am grateful for in my life as a way to move forward after the summer break
As I grow older the friends I made in my teens and 20’s become more precious to me. One of my oldest friends came by to dry my sad tears over the weekend and another old friend that I recently re- acquainted is coming to visit next weekend. I treasure these connections.
I am also making new friends as I explore and venture down new pathways in my 3rd Act. Marin NLP has been a great source of new and inspiring friendships with folks my own age and even those a bit younger.
While building the 3rd Act over the past two years, I realize that I could not have moved forward with my plans without the support of several key people.
My neighbor Debbie was willing to sit patiently over cups of Peet’s coffee, listen to my ideas and even be a guinea pig for early workshop ideas and reworked websites.
My dear colleague Leslie not only encouraged me to hold an early workshop at her church but also signed up for the workshop and joined our very first encore circle.
Darryl, her husband, helped me with early focus questions and to understand how many men see the challenges they face in their 3rd act. I am grateful for his insights and support.
I am thankful to my friend Perry, who supported me and my early ideas in working with a new population of clients as I left the world of addiction recovery work and moved into coaching and returned to workshop presentations.
The members of my writing group, we have been meeting for about 20 years, are pillars of support and have encouraged my voice and my creative side. Where would I be without them?
I find myself thinking about my business partner Bev who was willing to take a chance on joining forces for the 3rd Act business. Her openness to my different style and perspective have made our collaboration creative and stimulating to me, and focused our business going forward.
Both my family and friends have really been there for me as I found my way sometimes stumbling sometimes with bounding steps on my path. As we move into the season of Harvest I am gratefully experiencing the bounty of the connections I have with my family and friends.
I would love to hear about the connections that support your 3rd act growth and happiness. Please write your comments below.
After reading your blog on Gratitude, I most certainly have many blessing to be grateful for. Everything that we need, we have inside. Your friendship and open-mindedness helped to coax these ideas into reality for me. I understand that I am a work in progress, but it is well worth it…it is a task that I will never take lightly!